The left is the front and back of the kids business cards, the center is the interior of their official acceptance letter, and the right is the outside of the letter.
The business card will be cut to fit the shapes in the background, it is difficult to see on the web. refer to my presentation. The top of the cover page will also be a cut out.
I think your new logo works well for the business system- it is more dramatic and it has a very self-contained shape. Also, I think the outlined shapes behind the logo itself give it a nice texture...if they print out as nicely as they look on the screen. The bold text used in parts of the system work with the logo. If the business card is going to be cut along all of those edges, it might be a little bit spiky/easily bent, but might work. I think your choice of bright colors is good for the audience, it portrays science as bright, rather than white/silver,etc.
I like the logo better without the texture, unless you’re using it on an extremely large scale- like a billboard or the side of a truck. The shapes just get lost and look like fuzzies. I really like the dynamic way you’ve laid out the overlapping “Be A part of the team” text on the card. Since this is for kids, you can really play with expressive and creative ways to use type because you don’t have to stay reserved and professional. You should probably tweek the values of some of the colors because I’m visually losing the “A” and “The”, but that’s just refinements.
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